Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Beginnings

Life brings us new starts once in a while. I feel blessed with quite a few just lately. Might I enumerate?

My younger son, the fabulous John David, has just earned his Bachelor's Degree, with Magna Cum Laude honors, from Boston University. He has a passion for food and the environment, and managed to earn those honors plus a couple more by following his passion. He's heading into the real world by running the summer Teen program at a local urban gardening organization, driving tourists around Boston in a PediCab, doing some cooking, and hoping to work on a sustainable farm or two in the next year. You rock, JD.

My older s
on, the brilliant and kindhearted Allan, is moving to the nation's capitol the day before his 25th birthday next week. He'll be starting a new job and living in the same neighborhood as his sweetheart, at long last. Best in love and life, Allan. I'll be down to visit soon.

The rainy Massachusetts spring has brought us, finally, sunshine and flourishing gardens, with my lettuce almost ready to harvest and the new hops plant reaching toward the sky.
New life after a long winter is always a delight.

A romance short story I worked hard to craft several (okay, eight? nine?) years ago has just been accepted for publication in an anthology, after I worked hard this spring, with the help of the Salem Writers' Group, to transform it into a murder story, although it's still also a romance. I really like the characters and the trajectory of the story, and am thrilled that others will get to share in it after it is published.

And the new book, the second in my Speaking of Mystery series, is actively underway. I feel I have gained skill at plotting and expression in my years working on Speaking of Murder. I already feel this book is better, although it's not yet half done. Writing new material makes me happy, keeps me challenged, and intrigues me as I follow characters around and write down what they do.

Ergo, life is good. What's new and good in your life lately?